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星门 发表于 2016-3-24 16:50 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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'Saucer' Outran Jet, Pilot Reveals
Washington Post Article, Front Page, July 28, 1952

Investigation on in secret after chase over capital
Radar spot blips like aircraft for nearly six hours - only 1.700 feet up
By Paul Sampson, Post Reporter
Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week.周六晚连续第二周出现。A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base.
The CAA reported reported the objects traveled at "predominantly lower levels"-about 1700 feet. July 19. Air Force spokesmen said yesterday only that an investigation was being made into the sighting of the objects on the radar screen in the CAA Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport, and on two other radar screens. Methods of the investigations were classified as secret, a spoken said.
"We have no evidence they are flying saucers; conversely we have no evidence they are not flying saucers. We don't know what they are," a spokesman added. The same source reported an expert from the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio, was here last week investigating the objects sighted July 19.
The expert has been identified as Capt. E. J. Ruppelt. Reached by telephone at his home in Dayton yesterday, Ruppelt said he could make no comment on his activity in Washington. Capt. Ruppelt confirmed he was in Washington last week but said he had not come here to investigate the mysterious objects. He recalled he did make an investigation after hearing of the objects, but could not say what he investigated.
Another Air Force spokesman said here yesterday the Air Force is taking all steps necessary to evaluate the sightings. "The intelligence people," this spokesman explained, "sent someone over to the control center at the time of the sightings and did whatever necessary to make the proper evaluation. Asked whether the radar equipment might have been mis-functioning, the spokesman said, "radar, like the compass is not a perfect instrument and is subject to error." He thought, however, the investigation would be made by persons acquainted with the problems of radar.
Two other radar screens in the area picked up the objects. An employee of the National Airport control tower said the radar scope there picked up very weak "blips" of the objects. The tower radar's for "short range" and is not so powerful as that at the center. Radar at Andrews Air Force Base also registered the objects from about seven miles south of the base. A traffic control center spokesman said the nature of the signals on the radar screen ruled out any possibility they were from clouds or any other "weather" disturbance. "The returns we received from the unidentified objects were similar and analagous to targets representing aircraft in flight," he said.
The objects, "flying saucer" or what have you, appeared on the radar scope at the airport center at 9:08 PM. Varying from four to 12 in number, the objects appeared on the screen until 3:00 AM., when they diappeared. At 11:25 PM., two F-94 jet fighters fro Air Defense Command squadron, at New CAstle Delaware, capable of 600 hundred mph speeds, took off to investigate the objects. Airline, civil and military pilots described the objects as looking like the lit end of a cigarette or a cluster of orange and red lights.
One jet pilot observed four lights in the vicinity of Andrews Air Force Base, but was not able to over-take them, and they disappeared in about two minutes. The same pilot observed a steady white light in the vicinity of Mt Vernon at 11:49 PM. The light, about 5 miles from him, faded in a minute. The lights were also observed in the Beltsville, MD., vicinity. At 1:40 AM two-other F-94 jet fighters took off and scanned the area until 2:20 AM., but did not make any sightings.
Visible two days
Although "unidentified objects" have been picked up on radar before, the incidents of the last two saturdays are believed to be the first time the objects have been picked up on radar-while visible to the human eye. Besides the pilots, who last saturday saw the lights, a woman living on Mississippi Ave., told the Post she saw a very "bright light streaking across the sky towards Andrews Air Force Base about 11:45 PM. Then a second object with a tail like a comet whizzed by, and a few seconds later, a third passed in a different direction toward Suntland, she said.
Radar operators plotted the speed of "saturday night's visitors" at from 38 to 90 mph, but one jet pilot reported faster speeds for the light he saw. The jet pilot reported he had no apparent "closing speed" when he attempted to reach the lights he saw near Andrews Air Force Base. That means the lights were moving at least as fast as his top speed-a maximum of 600 mph. One person who saw the lights when they first appeared in this area did not see them last night. He is E.W. Chambers, an engineer at Radio Station WRC, who spotted the lights while working early the morning of July 20 at station's Hyattsville tower.
Chamber's said he was sorry he had seen the lights because he had been skeptical about "flying saucers" before. Now he said, he sort of "wonders" and worrys about the whole thing. Leon Davidson, 804 South Irving St. Arlington, a chemical engineer who made an exhaustive study of "flying saucers" as a hobby, said yesterday reports of saucers in the East, have been relatively rare. Davidson has studied the official report on the saucers, including some of the secret portions never made public, and analyzed all the data in the report.
Davidson, whose study of saucers is impressively detailed and scientific, said he believes the lights are American "aviation products"-probably "circular flying wings," using new type jet engines that permit rapid acceleration and relatively low speeds. He believes, they are either "new fighter," guided missiles, or piloted guided missiles. He cited some of the recent jet fighters, including the Navy's new " F-4-D, which has a radical "bat-wing," as examples of what the objects might resemble. Davidson thinks the fact that the lights have been seen in this area indicates the authorities may be ready to disclose the "new aircraft" in the near future. Previously, most of the "verified saucers" have been seen over sparsely inhabited areas, Davidson explained, and now, when they appear here, it may indicate that "secrecy" is not so important any more.



这是 Clarence Green 制作的记录片[UFO: The Untold Story]内容:
July 26/27, F-94 pilot Lt. William Patterson had not only sighted the anomalous aerial objects, but they had closed in and surrounded his plane in flight.
中校威廉·帕特森:I entered the radar room. The scope had a phosphorus control glass top. There were several other traffic controllers huddled around. Small plastic markers identified the known air flights, there were also several marked 'unknown.' There were from six to a dozen or more 'unknown,' and they simply moved too fast for airplanes. The movements were also haphazard. They'd move along a definite path then suddenly disappear. Others would appear. We checked with Andrews radar controllers and tower operation throughout the night tracking the same 'unknowns.'
I placed a call to the command post in the Pentagon and requested an intercept mission. I told the press they could watch the radar scope and we were waiting for an intercept. Life magazine asked to photograph the scope, but before they could set up, we were alerted that the intercept mission would be using classified orders, and I had to order the newsmen from the room.
We returned to the scope. The two F-94s appeared about two-forty a.m. on the scope, but as they appeared, a frightening thing happened .... the target blips disappeared off the scope. Our interceptors flew around for about fifteen minutes and returned to base with negative results. As our interceptors left the scope, our targets reappeared. About three a.m. I called the Pentagon Command Post and explained the situation. They said: 'Stand by -- a second scramble is on the way.' This time, the 'unknowns' stayed on the scope, and we directed the intercepts to the exact compass readings. We split the flight -- one to the north, the other aircraft south.
The first pilot reported in that he 'can't see anything.' We could tell by radar they were getting very close. Then a second report came in. He was somewhat excited, and I don't blame him; he reported, 'They're all around me now.' A pause, then: 'They appear to be closing in on me.' Moments passed and the last remark I remember was the pilot's voice almost pleading: 'What shall I do?' Well, we saw the unknowns appear to place themselves in a ring around his aircraft. We all just looked at each other. Ten or 20 seconds later, he reported, 'They're moving off now.' A few moments later, he called in to say he was returning to base. The UFOs remained on the scope till Saturday morning, about five a.m.

But undoubtedly Al Chop's most succinct summary of that incident came in a 1966 interview for the article "UFO Revisited" by Robert Barrow (which focused on the movie). Barrow asked Chop if there had been "a sense of helplessness or disbelief" as he watched the objects surround the pilot, to which Chop replied:

Disbelief, no; helplessness, yes. As we looked up at each other while watching that intercept attempt, you could imagine each of us trying to think of something that would be helpful.

I might also add there were no disbelievers around that scope; we all knew these objects represented something with which we could not cope.




1947年美国将军Admiral Byrd决定通过 High Jump行动消灭纳粹最后的在南美洲和南极洲的基地。他们联系了一些知道纳粹基地的 "Paper Clip"科学家,并开始与纳粹谈判。


MJ12 在1947年就已经具备了UFO的整个科学知识。
这迫使两位总统杜鲁门以及后来艾森豪威尔总统与他们签订秘密条约(含各种非人类种族及和高级纳粹组织),并执行纳粹渗透太空计划,并且运作月球/火星基地项目,同时出现了纳粹和他们的“世界外星盟友"Off World Allies".”合作。于是纳粹接管了军工复合体,在美国和欧洲的许多政府的接管也取得了成功。通过“回形针”行动等,美国本来打算渗透并接管纳粹的计划,但情况正好相反,这发生于一系列秘密太空计划与其他一些外星人的交易技术等等。

Americans after signing the Treaty with the Nazi's andtheir Allied (Reptoid & Their Allies) ET'/ED's were given 3 working ARV'sand the "Blue Prints" to "Engineer/Reproduce" their ownwith the help of "Paper Clip" and "New Berlin" Scientists.The "Nazi's" spoon fed the Americans promised technical informationand needed their wealth and industrial capabilities (That "won thewar") to become "Their Own New Infrastructure" for Off WorldDevelopment. This is where the development and infiltration of the"Military Industrial Complex" began and eventually led to the mostpowerful of the "Secret Earth Government/Group" Entities that we arereferring to as the "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate". In thebeginning when the Americans were building their own ARV's in one of theirSeparate "Secret Space Programs" they had not worked out the problemin "Electro-gravitics" of the Mercury transmuting into a inside the "VortexTubes".
美国人后来被迫签署与纳粹及其盟友(爬虫族Reptoid及其盟友)ET'/ ED,分别有3个ARV和“蓝图”工作组。。。“军工复合体”逐渐发展和渗透,并最终导致了最强大的“秘密地球政府/集团”的实体,我们指的是ICC("InterplanetaryCorporate Conglomerate”)。当美国人建立自己的“秘密太空计划SSP”的ARV开始之际,他们还没有解决 "VortexTubes"内Mercury的“电-重力场”变成一个“"Coral LikeGold"”的问题。
ARV (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) 技术是我们开始用的技术,那时还没有发展到“逆向”工程。


二、实际上,被迫与负面外星人合作的艾森豪威尔,在“太阳典狱长计划”里成立了一些秘密办公室secret cells为光明势力工作。科波拉信息

艾森豪威尔启动秘密渗透SSP后,在纽约地下基地内一个Michael领导的“组织”也建立,正面仙女座存有也参与进来。这些秘密太空计划产生了很大的影响,影响目前的金融、科技和全球贫困水平。 这类大画面需要临界质量的人数达到理解。出于这个原因,内幕信息正在被释放。将来会更多。




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WXZ 发表于 2016-3-24 20:13 | 只看该作者

1. 那段时间集中的UFO事件主要有两种现象:雷达中的多次异常信号,和肉眼可见的发光现象
2. 美国空军将军在新闻发布会上对那段时间的现象的解释:雷达异常信号是由于大气温度逆转,肉眼所见发光可由易混淆的空中现象如流星、亮星等解释。有很多方面人士对空军的解释不满意。
3. 关于杜鲁门总统,词条中只提到杜鲁门以个人方式打电话询问这些事情的解释。而白宫的关注则导致了一些媒体关于白宫下令击落UFO的故事。


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 楼主| 星门 发表于 2016-3-25 06:16 | 只看该作者


WXZ 发表于 2016-3-24 20:13
国内有些网络服务商连中文维基百科都屏蔽,真是过分!下面这是英文维基百科关于此事的词条,应 ...



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