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人有灵魂,做梦是在星光界游荡Human has Soul in heart, dream is in Astral world

caojinyu1985 发表于 2021-5-16 00:09 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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file:///C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Foxmail7/Temp-9116-20210515205351/Attach/InsertPic_37FC(0(05-15-20-54-46).jpg这个法国的无脑人,第一件事是不是证明了灵魂是寄宿在心脏里的。我们人类的大脑是没用的,是骗人的,没脑也能活。 第二件是,既然大脑是没用,那么我们人类做梦呢?做梦是不是灵魂在星光界,星光层的游荡?这个是神奇的世界啊。居然有星光界,死亡不是终点,人是有灵魂的。有恶魔和天使也没什么,暗物质占宇宙96%呢。外星人理论里的轮回转世,是真实的可能性相当高 。我们很可能被什么黑暗执政官编程统治,DNA改造了。这也解释的通为什么,只有醒来的一瞬间能看到梦里的场景啊,灵魂是没眼睛的,苏醒的一刻才在现实生活中看到了。是不是这样的?这解释了好多问题,多重人格是因为一个人身体的多个部位被分别占有了不同的灵魂。精神分裂说不定是超能力觉醒失败,不然怎么会自己和自己对话,或者一个人的心脏里拥有两个灵魂。还有梦游杀人事件,都是人有两个灵魂的证明啊。

This French brainless man has proved two things. The first thing: the soul is possibly hosting in the heart. Our human brain is useless and a big hoax for human history, literature, etc. We can live without brain. The second thing: Since the brain is useless, what about our dream in sleep? Is dream for soul’s wandering in Astral world? This is a like magical world. There is an Astral world. Death is not the end. People have souls. It's OK to have demons or angels or gods. Dark matter occupies 96% of the universe. The possibility of reincarnation system in alien theory is quite possible real. We've probably been programmed by some dark ET according to DNA control, mind control, manipulating history etc. This soul theory also explains why the only moment we wake up and then we can see the scene in the dream. The soul has no eyes and the very moment you wake up is connected with Astral world(dream world). Is that right?  This explains a lot of problems. Multiple personality is that because many parts of a person's body are occupied with different soul. Schizophrenia may be the failure of supernatural power awakening. Usually they can talk to themselves, or possibly they have two souls in a one person's heart. There are sleepwalking homicide incidents, which are the proof that people have two souls.


我的答案就是,这个宇宙要是没有心脑系统就不会产生各种奇怪的动物了,心脑系统连接的就是灵魂,没有灵 魂也不会产生心脑系统。
In this universe, is there a heart-head system emerging before body emergence, or is there body emerging before heart-head system emergence?

My answer is that if the universe had no heart-head system, it would not have produced all kinds of strange animals. The heart-head system is connected with the soul. Without the soul, it would not have produced the heart-head system.




This one set of alien theory for reincarnation system on the Internet is quite likely to be true. It is not impossible for human beings to ascend into the golden age for understanding your soul.


Do you know what it means to have a soul in human? Why do scientists on earth deny that there is a soul? Having a soul means studying spirituality. If there is a soul, maybe there are angels or demons or God. Think about dark matter, things that you can't see or touch, things like superpowers. With the awakening of collective consciousness for soul, maybe human beings can really evolve into the dimension of Astral. The government will be completely out of control for the people, money. This process is called ascension. Ascension is just to understand your soul and your spirit idea and the world. I don't think it's superstition.


This is Tesla prophet. The solar system was created possibly by God. We human already discover other the galaxy for calculating and found out a lot not-right things on our known text book. Dark matter is the key to gravity, not the quality. Newton and us have been cheated for hundreds of years.


A solid Basketball and a Sesame. In a 500 meters away the Sesame do cyclic movement around a solid Basketball. In outer space how this experiment will exactly happen?

睡觉沉睡是为了和12维度的本源意识,也就是和神沟通,与自己的高我沟通。否则为什么要睡着。累了,闭上眼休息就好了。 这个太阳系是刻意被神制造出来的,来迷惑我们,到了晚上是要睡觉的。

Sleep in need is for communicating with 12th source consciousness, that is, communicating with higher self, communicating with God. Otherwise why human we need to sleep like in coma? If we are tired, we just need a rest. This Solar system is deliberately created by God to confuse us, which is “we have to sleep at night”



般若波罗蜜多(Bairoboromido): The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore

这是一段神奇的文字,好多好多的人因为背诵它们而受益。有时候心经就是神奇的咒语(当然,只有在你完全相信的时候),望珍惜! 好多人因背诵它而受益!

This is an amazing scripture, many people get benefit by reciting it. Sometimes you might think this scripture is like an miraculous incantation.(but only you totally believe it). Hope you will cherish it!


From the view of Buddha to look at your own soul. (If you don't understand what the Buddha really is, you may use the God view to look at your own soul)

行深般若波罗蜜多时(背这心经时),(Close your eye and reciting this scripture)


At this time you only see your soul and the Buddha, and then you are aware that shape outside of soul, lust, heart's idea, behaviour,mind are all empty.

度一切苦厄(于是就将一切苦难置之度外了),So every suffering is just gone.

舍利子(这里的舍利子应该是心脏里的灵魂),Soul is existing in the heart to control body.

色不异空(外界事物不异乎空),Outside soul, everything is just like empty.

空不异色(空不异乎外界事物),Empty is just like everything.

色即是空(所以外界事物等于空),So empty is equal to everything.

空即是色(空等于外界事物),Everything is equal to empty.


亦复如是(都是一样的),Lust, heart's idea, behaviour, mind are the same as empty.

舍利子(灵魂),Your Soul

是诸法空相(灵魂外面的一切法则都是空的),Outside your Soul, every rule is empty.

不生不灭(灵魂是不生不灭),Soul is immortal.

不垢不净(灵魂是不垢不净),Soul is not dirty or clean.

不增不减(灵魂是不增不减),Soul is not the soul which can be increased or decreased.

是故空中无色(因此灵魂外面的空间是没有形相的),So again,the space outside soul has no shape.

无受想行识(也没有情欲、意念、行为和心灵),There are no lust, no heart's idea, no behaviour, no mind.

无眼耳鼻舌身意(没有眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意等六根),There are no eye or ear or nose or tongue or body or mind. we may call them as collective name for Six Root from body.

无色声香味触法(更没有色、声、香、味、触、法等六尘),There are no color or sound or smell or taste or touch or rule. we may call them as collective name for Six Society.


乃至无意识界(那么也没有眼睛看到的意识和物质),If there is no eye, we will not be able to see material and have material conception.


亦无无明尽(也没有什么不能明白的尽头),There is only Buddha and soul, so that means it is nothing you can not understand,just Buddha and soul.

乃至无老死(灵魂永生不灭,没有老和死),Soul is immortal, so there is no old and death.

亦无老死尽(也没有老和死的尽头),And there is no end for old and death.

无苦集灭道(没有痛苦的集合以及道的幻灭),there is no assembly for suffering and no obliteration of Taoism.

无智亦无得(灵魂不需要用智慧去得到外界的事物),you don't need to use wisdom to get social thing which you need for soul.

以无所得故(所以得到与否并不重要),so it is not important thing to get what you need in society.

菩提萨陲(与菩萨沟通觉悟之后),after communicating with Buddha, suddenly awakening

依般若波罗蜜多故(依照心经),according to this Bairoboromido Scripture,

心无挂碍(心中没有障碍),There is no any barrier in heart.

无挂碍故(由于没有障碍),Because there is no barrier,

无有恐怖(所以也不恐怖),There is no terror in heart as well.

远离颠倒梦想(远离颠倒梦想虚幻的业力控制),Get far away from reverse dream from Karma system of society.

究竟涅盘(最后达到彼岸),Understand to your soul's shore, not the society.

三世诸佛(过去、现在和未来的三世诸佛),There are three Buddhas representing for past, current, future.

依般若波罗蜜多故(依照心经),According to this Bairaboromido Scripture

得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提(得到无上、正宗、正觉的三种佛果),And you will get supreme, real, awakening Buddha fruit

故知般若波罗蜜多(所以说心经),So this Bairoboromido Scripture

是大神咒(是变幻莫测的咒语),Is a unpredictable and changeable incantation

是大明咒(是神光普照的咒语),Is the incantation which is god light shining on earth

是无上咒(是无上的咒语),Is a supreme incantation

是无等等咒(是最高的咒语),Is a highest incantation

能除一切苦(能除一切苦),Can remove all the suffering

真实不虚(不是骗人的),Really true not a lie

故说般若波罗蜜多咒(所以说心经),So Bairoboromido incantation

即说咒曰(其咒语曰),is saying

揭谛揭谛(去吧,去吧),Give the truth between soul and society.

波罗揭谛(到彼岸去吧),Bairaboromido’s truth

波罗僧揭谛(大家快去彼岸),So people, let us get together to go to the soul's shore to understand your soul.

菩提娑婆诃(修成正果)! Get the human-society fruit from Buddha!

这个是我个人对 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 的理解。灵魂是可以在心脏里游动的,可以想象成一个小珠子(舍 利子),灵魂是可以移动到眼睛和心脏之间。佛教的扬升大师们很可能是外星人,他们流传下来的至宝,是真实的知识。网上的解释估计是被蜥蜴人篡改了核心部分。

灵魂游动到鼻子这里就会觉得酸酸的,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。 把灵魂固定在鼻尖后,是没法一心二用移动身体的,除非把灵魂挪回心脏。

Buddha Appreciation:You actually can move your soul between heart and eye.Just imagine your SOUL like a small bead. When moving the soul to the tip of nose, you will feel sour. Fixating the sour feeling, you can not move your leg and hand unless you move your soul back to your heart. Our body is biological machine, a karma system for ET project. The dark ET even can put ET’s soul into human body, and enduce you to do bad karma. The alien is right beside us!

If you want to know more, search on internet for Camelot Project.


在外星人理论里,灵魂才是真正的自己,不是肉体,很多人会觉得强烈的欲望是自己,肉体是自己。其实心脏里是寄宿着灵魂的,而肉体的载具很可能是DNA设计出来的一套业力控制系统。所以我们人类是一直被黑暗执政官清除记忆后,而业力不消除,灵魂转世后被黑暗执政官一直控制,无限轮回。恶业造成的黑暗能量给予了黑暗执政官,异常等离子外星人等所需的负能量。真相往往残忍可怕,所以满大街的谎言,人类活在一个天龙人外星人创造的美丽谎言里,黑暗执政官不断让有恶业的人在地球上轮回,奇美拉网阻断正面外星人进入,蜥蜴人控制政府领导人。邪恶外星人就在身边,黑暗执政官可以送 保留记忆的蜥蜴人灵魂 进入人类身体。其实我们人类需要帮助啊。我们是多么渺小。


In the alien theory, the soul is the real ego, not the body. Many people think that the strong desire is their feeling and the body is themselves. In fact, the soul hosts the heart, and the vehicle of the body is probably a set of karmic control system designed by DNA. Therefore, we human have been memory-erased by the dark ET, but the karma has not been eliminated. During reincarnation, the soul has been controlled by the dark archon. It is an infinite reincarnation system. The dark energy caused can be consumed by evil ET. Bad karma gives the dark archon, abnormal plasma aliens and other negative ET. The truth is often cruel and terrible, so the lies are all over the street. Human beings live in a big beautiful lie created by Draco. The dark archon constantly lets people with evil karma reincarnated on the earth. The Chimera net blocks the entry of positive aliens saving, and the Evil reptilians control the government leaders. The evil aliens are around us, and the dark archon even can send the Lizard soul with memory into the human body to induce people to do bad karma. In fact, we humans need help. Human should be united if the soul in your body is human soul.

In alien theory the soul has various forms and properties. The soul of stone, the soul of ants and the soul of human are different. It is said that the soul of human beings is a golden light in the Astray world


卡米洛特工程 外星奴役计划Camelot Project for Slaving Plan from Alien


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